GamesTips & Tricks

Best Pokemon Go hacks for 2024: All Hacks explained

Is the Pokemon Go app giving you a hard time? But don’t worry anymore as we have come with Pokemon hacks for you. Cheating in games are fine as they do not lead us to punishment, don’t you think? If you want to play these games with total ease and desperately wish to win this game then you have to the right place.

All Possible Pokemon Go Cheats and Hacks

There are several cheats and codes available for the Pokemon Go game, we have curated some of the best hacks for you. So, Let’s get started!

Switch off Augmented Reality to Save Time

This one is the mini hack if you have turned on the augmented reality in Pokemon Go, you are making the gaming experience more complex. We get it, that it is cool to know Pokemon Go tips and tricks around the real world but then you have to wave your phone around to hunt pokemon which takes up your precious time.

It gets annoying when you have to constantly move around keeping the Pokemon centered while you capture it.

augumented reality

This should not be the case, right? If you want to save some time it’s better to turn off the ‘AR’ mode. Here is how you can do that:

Step1: When you encounter a Pokemon, you have to tap on the AR mode which is on the top right corner of your screen.

  • This will replace the augmented reality feature with a plain woodland view.
  • Turning off AR mode will also turn off the side to side movements of your targeted Pokémon Go hacks.
  • Your target will kind of remain static in the center of the screen. This is what makes catching Pokemon way.
  • This is best for those who don’t get much time to play Pokemon Go like office workers. They can play this game indoors without wasting much of their time.

Skip the Raid start Animation for Faster Execution

Have you switch to the Boss battle from the lobby mode, this will probably consume a few seconds and more if your mobile network is giving you a hard time. If you do not wish to waste your precious time for specialty raid and solo then skip the lobby to the raid, no GO between.

  • First, create an empty team
  • Join a Raid
  • Pick your empty team
  • Wait for Raid to start
  • Pick your real team

When you create an empty team you will get kicked back immediately to rejoin. And hola! You will now be rebounded into the raid with no animation screen. Though it will only save you a few seconds, even that matters when you are on your game mode.

Unlock Gifts with Friends Codes

Playing Pokemon Go with your real-world fun so much fun, it makes the ground pass faster. This in-game friends feature has been a blast recently. When you exchange friend codes with another player you unlock exclusive gifts, which you will get from PokéStops.

You can share gifts to friends exclusive 7km eggs and also you and your friends will be able to trade Pokemon in the long run. 


Making your friends use in the game will require a bit of your effort, here are a few points you will need to make sure of when you play this game with friends:

  • In the game, you will have a ‘friend level’ with each of the friends you have in-game. The friend level will get higher as you interact and will reduce according to the amount of stardust you have to spend in order to trade. The trade will also give you an attacking bonus when you do raids together.
  • Note that friends are an essential part of the raid experience in Pokémon Go.  Though you can tackle low-level raids by yourself, for the high-level battles that net legendary Pokémon a group is required.

Earn Rare Pokemons through Field Research

Want to find the rarest Pokemon, then use the field research which is the easiest way to have the rare pokemon. Here is how it works:

earn rare pokemon

  • You will get a stamp, each time you complete a part of field research.
  • You can earn only one stamp a day.
  • When you earn seven stamps it will unlock Research Breakthrough for that month. That means you will have legendary Pokemon. Isn’t simple this method saves lots of your effort, earlier you would get this Pokémon Go hacks only through difficult raid battles.
  • Finishing a research task in a day may seem a bit difficult in the beginning, but it eventually gets easier as you can delete research tasks with no penalty.
  • You can pick more research tasks by spinning at PokeStop in your spare time.

Double your Pokemon catch chances with Curveballs 

With the new updates of ‘Pokemon Go’, you get more options for catching difficult Pokemons. Originally you use Great or Ultra Balls to increase your chances. Great Ball and Ultra Balls increase pokemon catch chances by 1.5x to 2x simultaneously.

But these resources are finite and you will have to work a bit hard to earn them. So Instead of you can use an easier way to catch Pokemon and that is Curveballs. 

Pokemon catch chances with Curveballs 

How you can use Curveball to catch Pokemon?

  • Hold the Pokeball and rotating it around and throw it will curve in the rotation you spun the ball.
  • If it’s clockwise, then it will move to the right side, for anticlockwise it will go to the left. If your throw is in the opposite direction it will curve towards the center.
  • Want to throw a perfect curve throw, use this L technique, recently players discovered that a technique you can throw a curveball with ease and that too with every attempt. To try this technique follow the steps below:
  • Spin the Pokeball moving clockwise, then move the ball to the leftmost side of your phone’s screen and release at the equal height as of Pokemon. Pokeball should land and start the capture process assuming the Pokemon didn’t move or attack.
  • You can also prefer to release the ball on the rightmost side of the screen, just make sure that this time you will have to spin your Pokeball anti-clockwise instead.

Know the Location of Pokemon by Pokemon Map Trackers

You will find several pokemon Map tracker in the App store as well as Google play store. These apps keep track of nests where you will find Pokemons and even some rare Pokemon. However, the content will be depending on which part of the world do you live in.

A few of the most popular Pokemon tracker apps are PokeTracker, SilphRoad, PokeSensor, PokéFind/GO Tools. Use this tracker before you start gaming on Pokemon Go to catch the best Pokemons.

Gain extra XP by Lucky Eggs and Evolution 

Players can double the amount XP gain for 30 minutes straight through the lucky egg. Enabling Pokemon Go Lucky will also help players to level the game faster. It is best to use if you play at the trainer level.

Lucky Eggs and Evolution 

Lucky eggs have remained a crucial part of the games since early times and nowadays it has become better with lot more options of earning extra XP, hence you can get a lot more clever with how you use your eggs. You can unlock the Pokemon lucky egg at Level 9. You will unlock more for free at Levels 10,15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40.

Evolution Trick

When your Pokemon evolves you get 500 XP, and if you use lucky egg it will double to 1000 XP.

Evolve Pokemons in bulk and faster

So the best thing to do is evolve your Pokemon when you have activated the lucky eggs. Not only this but it works better if you are evolving a Pokemon into the creature that you haven’t caught before.

Now here’s the trick of getting clever with lucky eggs you have to time a number of high XP activities to occur within the same double XP window. You can time your day seven daily bonuses for PokéStops and first catches of the day and maybe even catch a Pokémon using a curved throw as well.

Now to evolve your Pokemons you collect several items that offer amazing evolution. These items will drop randomly from PokéStops if you wish to increase the chances of getting you can increase your chances by getting the daily PokéStop bonus seven days in a row.

Here are the specific uses for each of the evolution items:

  • SunStone: Evolve Gloom to Bellossom or Sunkern Sunflora
  • Kings Rock: Evolve Poliwhirl to Politoed or Slowpoke to Slowking
  • Metal Coat: Evolve Onix to Steelix or Scyther to Scizor
  • Dragon Scale: Evolve Seadra to Kingdra
  • Up Grade: Evolve Porygon to Porygon 2

Make the most of Berries in Pokemon Go

Berries can be used in capture encounters and in gyms. Players obtain berries while leveling up or by spinning Pokestops and Photodisc of the gym and also when you defeat a raid boss. Berries are one of the popular items you find in Pokemon Go. Berries are classified into categories that you will find in your quest. 


  • Razz Berry: It is the most common berries which can increase catch chances to 1.5x. You can obtain Razz berry from spinning Pokéstops, Gym Photo Discs or leveling up at trainer level 8 and higher.
  • Golden Razz Berry: It has the same feature as Razz berry but it is better as the chances of catching wild Pokemon with golden Razz berry is more than that of Razz berry. Golden Razz berry is obtained in Raid battle as a reward.
  • Nanab Berry: It calms down wild Pokémon so it becomes easy for you to catch them. This berry can be obtained at the trainer level 14 and above. The trainer can catch Pokemons easily by using Nana berry in the AR+ mode thus reducing the awareness indicator of a wild Pokémon.
  • Pinap Berry: The amount of candy that you get when you catch Pokemon gets doubled when you use Pinap berry. The Pinap berry gets unlocked at trainer level 18.
  • Silver Pinap Berry:  It has the same feature as Pinap but with an increased catch rate. It can be obtained as a Field or Special reward.

Remove Driving Lockouts when you Travel

Pokemon Go has a good feature that doesn’t allow the player to play the game while they drive for the security purpose. In spite of the security purpose there something not good about this feature, that it doesn’t allow people to play even if they travel in vehicles as passengers like cars, buses, trains, etc.

That kills all the fun right? 

Lockouts Available for Players 

If you go over 10 KM/H limit for egg hatching and Buddy candy walking you will lower the amount of distance it logs. There is a limit of 35 KM/H for spinning PokéStops, seeing Nearby and Sightings on your radar and triggering spawns in your vicinity. Going over this limit you will not be allowed to collect any rewards.

augumented reality

This seed restriction is to avoid accidents, but you probably want to play this game if you traveling for hours and sitting at the back of the car, and why not. So here are some hacks for you. Also, these hacks do not provide a guaranteed solution but have been useful in many scenarios.

  • Opening Pokemon Go, visit the egg screen and tap on the home button so you are navigated to the home screen. Don’t launch any other apps and also make sure that you don’t let the screen goes off. Drive a short distance, something under 10 minutes. After that open Pokémon Go again and may discover distance gains.
  • Now if you owe Apple Watch, try the Pokémon Go workout. Now, find some form of transportation that is a bit slow. It could be anything Uber/taxi or bus in traffic or a ferry it everything works. Just make sure that it is slow in speed. Pat your watch lightly while you are moving and making sure that workout mode is on. You will notice the result in a few seconds, depending on your speed.
  • If you can use the Pokemon Go Plus device to catch the Pokemon. It operates with just click and it’s very handy to use. It helps you catch things that you are unable to catch with the app or while you travel in a vehicle. Also, it looks super cool, it’s a must-have if you love playing Pokemon Go.
  • Incense which is found at level-ups is immune to the speed lock while most of the things Pokémon Go gets affected. So, even if you’re a passenger in a high-speed car, bus, or train on the highway, a Pokémon should still spawn for you every few minutes. Almost all of them will be common but you may get a rare Pokémon once or twice.

Remove a Pokemon out of a Gym

When you are playing along with three players and you wish to remove a Pokemon out of a Gym you can do it without interruption, even a fully powered Blissey or Golden Razz will able to stop you. The only thing to make sure of is the gym battle should be with three players.

pokemon out of gym

Here is how you can remove the Pokemon from the Gym

  1. Join the gym battle with three players.
  2. The first and second player will have to drop out immediately while Player 3 continues with the battle.
  3. A new battle would start that includes Players 1 and 2.
  4. Now Player 1 drops out immediately while Player 2 continues to battle.
  5. Player 1 begins a new battle and continues it.
  6. All the three battles including Player 1, 2, and 3 will be finished together, at the same time.

As Pokémon encounters, these battles separate staged all three sets of damage are considered separately. This way the  Pokémon is mocked out.

Get Extra Raid Passes

Here is a great deal you can get raid passes of tomorrow if you used up the existing one. The only thing is it works only if you live far enough behind the International Date line. If you do then you can grab one more free Raid today knowing you won’t be raiding tomorrow.

raid passes

To get tomorrow’s raid pass you will have to switch your timezone to the location that is a day ahead. Now spin a gym and you will get tomorrow’s raid pass to use. 

  • To change the time zone Open the settings app on your phone, then select general and change the date and time
  • Make sure that the location you choose is a day ahead to your current location. Also, note that you will not get the same pass tomorrow.
  • You can keep changing the Dateline ahead in this manner but that would lead to more confusion and complications. So it is better to avoid that.

Catch Pokemon Faster by Skipping Catch Animation

In one of the recent updates of Pokemon Go a bug was found which enables you to skip the Pokeball shaking animation and also the catch screen. This bug is totally different than others as with this you can reduce Pokemon catch time, and improve your gaming experience.

If you are tired of waiting for the lengthy Pokémon Go catch animation to complete, you can try exploiting this bug as shown below: 

Step1: With your non-throwing hand pull the Pokeball switcher icon from right to left. The icon will remain in a translated state but the Pokéball drawer will not open. You don’t have to lift your finger.

Step2: Just like you usually do, throw the Pokeball with your throwing hand. Don’t lift your left finger until the Pokéball hits the Pokémon.

Step3: Lift your left finger, the switch Pokéball drawer will open. Dismiss it and press the “Escape” button as soon as possible.

Step4: Once you’re out of the encounter, click on the Pokémon again. If you caught it, it will say Error, otherwise, you will just restart the capture encounter.

You’ll still see the Pokémon on the map. Check your Pokémon Storage to see if you successfully caught the Pokémon or, if it escaped, repeat the procedure to try again.

Locate Spawns and Raids on Maps

Finding an amazing Pokémon which you liked the most can come to a great surprise. That’s the ultimate goal of the game Pokémon discovery but the chances of this circumstance are quite rare.

Few players have tried to hack the system by making bots walk around for them, discover spawns that are hard to find like Unown. But this is not always convenient to do there is so much rush in seeing rare Pokemon and then catching them.

Overdoing this process comes with a cost that you are not allowed to cross town in a 30-minute spawn window on foot. You are left with the option to drive which totally spoils the fun. You can miss spawning with stuff like traffic and tickets.

Locate spawns and Raids on Maps

Raids can be better of use, you are not provided with a range of raids you need especially outside the urban area. Don’t worry as all you need is the Map, which shows all the Raid Eggs in your area. The map also shows raid timers and what they are when they hatch. This simplifies the whole thing getting you the right Raid at the right time.

To know about the trackers being used in your area, check your facebook group. You will find some maps that can be accessed online while some maps have their application and others are Twitter accounts or chat bots.  

Know Exactly which Gyms Belong to which Team

Like Pokemon scanner sites there are sites with which you can get gym information. These sites use bot armies to provide players with gym updates.

under the old system, you will even know the level of gyms and also which Pokemons are present in that gym. Talking about the new system under that you will only see team control. Which is a good option in terms of privacy and community health reasons?

If you want to take down gyms maps can help you see which gyms are owned by other teams and which gyms are ready to be taken down. There’s no information on the maps that you couldn’t get from walking or otherwise moving around and looking, but some people prefer to look first before deciding which direction to head out.

Know which is the Best Pokemon to Evolve

Evolving Pokemon is the best especially if you choose to evolve the right one. Now how to choose the best Pokemon, it is known on the basis of IV-highest stats. If you evolve good Pokemon you will have better Combat Power and high points, which will lead to better performances in Gyms as well as Raid battles.

You can swipe between Pokemons to chain appraise them, to keep the one you like to mark them as a favorite. Below are the Appraises you will see in Pokemon Go.

Evolve Pokemons in bulk and faster

  • Valor (red): “Amazes me!”
  • Mystic (blue): “A wonder!”
  • Instinct (yellow): “Battle with the best of them!”

The above shows the range of stats of your Pokemon that is 80% to 100%, now this is a big range. There are other stats that are showcased as Attack, Defense, and Stamina (HP).

  • Valor (red): “Blown away!”
  • Mystic (blue): “Exceeds my calculations!”
  • Instinct (yellow): “Best I’ve seen!”

You may now have an idea of the range but you will not get an exact number even with brain gym. For the exact number, you have to take the help of third-party apps which is made for IV.

With the help of these stats, you can evolve your pokemon to gigantic monsters.

Note: When you are downloading a third party app make sure you don’t download the app which asks for pokemon or google login. There are several and software than hinder your privacy with the credential. 

Evolve Pokemons in Bulk and Faster

If you wish to simply level up faster and easy way than consider these things. First catch Pidgey, Caterpie, and Weedle. second drop a Magic Egg, and third evolve as many Pokemons as you can until the Egg expires, it will last up to 30 minutes to max out your XP.  The animation evolution takes 20 seconds, by tapping you can go up to 90 evolutions.

Some of the players have noted that when you force shut the Pokemon Go game, chances are that you can get extra evolution. Also if tap and swipe that a surgeon, you might just set yourself some new bulk evolution records.

Some people try using multiple phones to make the bulk evolution process even faster. This is still a bit confusing and remains uncleared whether this method works or not but it is clear it’s a violation of the Terms of Service and could have consequences


That’s it, folks! This was all about the Pokemon Go hacks, we hope you found this article useful. We have tried to cover all the hacks. Now you enjoy the best of your Pokemon Go, Win battles with ease and collect Pokemons you desire all that with ease.

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