You went for an outing with your friends and made a vlog using all the moments of that day. Now you want to share the video in your friend’s group but, crap! The video is more than 25 MB and being an iPhone user you aren’t able to share it to any platforms. What will you do?
If you have time in your hand, then maybe you can think about some other time-consuming way to send the video to your friend. But what if your friends are one of those very impatient people who want to get their hands on the image or video as soon as it is taken?
This article is going to help you to get rid of this headache of sending large files from your iPhone. We are going to discuss some useful hacks. But first, you need to know about the limitations of sending a large video from an iPhone.
Best Ways to Send a Large Video On iPhone
You can send a video from an iPhone using mail but the size limit is 20 MB and the iMessage capacity is 100 MB per message. Hence, it becomes impossible for you to send a large video.
Here are some tricks that you should know about!
Send Video Using Airdrop
Airdrop is probably the easiest and quickest way to share a large video from an iPhone. Follow some simple steps and you are good to go.
- Airdrop uses Bluetooth to transmit data. So make sure that the recipient is within a specific vicinity to get connected.
- To activate Airdrop in iOS, please follow these settings: Go to Settings>General>Airdrop. Then you have to choose either Contacts Only or Everyone.
To activate Airdrop in macOS follow these steps: You can use Finder to directly search for the app or go to Spotlight and search for Airdrop. Once you have opened it click on “Allow me to get discovered by” and choose either “Contacts Only” or “Everyone” from the dropdown menu.
- The other device also needs to have Airdrop enabled in their settings. Open your stock photo app and select the video that you want to send from the sending device.
- There will be a Share icon in the bottom left corner of the screen. Tap the icon.
- You will see the name of the recipient if the Airdrop is activated on their phone too. Select the name.
- Once they confirm the file will start to get transmitted.
The transfer will automatically start. Please make sure not to move from your place. The time depends on the size of the video. You’ll know that the video has been sent successfully once the recipient gets to see the video on the photos app. Airdrop has a strong connection. However, we recommend you not to try sending multiple large files at once because the transmission will fail. Try sending one by another.
Send Videos via iCloud
There is no shortage of cloud storage nowadays. However, if you are a lucky one, then you already have an iCloud app available on your phone. For a standard plan, iCloud has 5GB of free storage. Hence, you can share almost every large file or video via iCloud. So if you are sending something large as a 5 GB file, then iCloud is your best option. For any mail, the attachment limit is up to 20 MB.
However, if your file limit is within 5 GB, then you can send it as an attachment. Follow the below steps to drop a mail:
- Open the Stock photo app and select the video that you want to share.
- Tap on the Share icon.
- You’ll get a menu to other platforms that you can share to.
- Select the Mail option.
- You’ll get a page to compose a mail and the video will already be there as an attachment.
- Enter the mail id of the recipient and add the subject.
- Click on the Send icon.
- You’ll get a prompt that the attachment is too large for the mail.
- It’ll give you the option to use the maildrop instead.
- Once you tap on the “Use Maildrop” icon the mail will automatically start going.
If your video is already in backup to iCloud, then it will start sending. And if it is not backed up, then it will start the backup in the background. Your email will be sent after the backup is complete. It is necessary for your device to be connected to wi-fi when you’re sending mail including an iCloud attachment. Even if the video is backed up in iCloud, you won’t be able to send it with cellular data.
Sending Videos Larger than 5 GB
There can be some files or videos that are larger than even 5 GB, you can use Dropbox, Onedrive, Google Drive in those cases. Please follow the steps:
Google Drive
Google Drive is also a cloud system like iCloud. You can access it through your computer, laptop, or phone.
- There will be a “+” sign in the bottom right corner of the Google Drive app screen.
- Upload the file that you want to share with people. Tap on the “Upload” option and it will be done uploading in Drive.
- Once it is uploaded you’ll be able to see it in the list under the “My drive” tab.
- Tap on the three dots “…” below the file.
- You’ll see an option “Share”.
- Add people on the next page. You can add their mail id there.
- You can set the access privacy to “Anyone with the link” or allow people separately to view and download the files. Once you’re done uploading the file, you can share the link with anybody and they’ll be able to access it.
It is another cloud storage and the storage is pretty large. Follow these steps to send large videos using Dropbox.
- Open Dropbox on your device.
- Tap on the “+Create” at the bottom center part of the screen.
- Tap on “Upload photos”.
- Search and access the folder that you know contains the video on your phone.
- Select the video. And tap on Next.
- Create a folder or select an already available folder where you’ll save the video.
- Tap on “Upload”.
- Now select the video that you want to send.
- Tap on the share option. You’ll see a blue outline of a person with a “+” icon at the top right corner of the screen.
- Enter the recipient’s email address. And tap on “send”
- The recipient will be able to see a link as an attachment and will be able to see the video in Dropbox
Send Using a PC, Laptop or Macbook
So, these were the ways that you can opt if you have no access to a PC, laptop, or Macbook. Now things will be easier if you are at home and have access to both another device like laptop or Macbook and wifi as well and you can transfer videos to iPad from PC or vice versa. Follow these steps:
- You can connect your phone to your laptop with a USB cable.
- Unlock the phone and tap on “Trust the computer”.
- Access “This PC” on your laptop. Search for your iPhone’s name.
- Go to Internal storage>DCIM >100APPLE.
- You’ll be able to access the images and videos on your phone.
- Drag and drop the files to your computer. Or you can simply select the files and copy +paste to your laptop.
- Attach the device with your laptop in the same way and copy the previous files from your laptop to the other device’s gallery.
Final Words
There are multiple ways to send large files from iPhone to other Apple or Android devices. It depends on your location and accessibility to other devices and Wi-Fi. Choose the best and easiest way to get it done.