
Service for Property Owner Search in The USA; Your Helper in Real Estate Dealings

Are you a real estate surveyor or agent? Or maybe you are a realtor or just a normal citizen looking to purchase a property in a particular neighborhood and you do not have sufficient information about it, whatever your reason might be for a property owner search do not worry this article is here to guide you.

Property Owner Search

In this post you will find out the various ways to do a property owner lookup for free. As a professional realtor or estate agent, the search for owners of properties is a daily activity you cannot do without, because you deal with properties everyday of every week. Below are some of the ways to go about property Information search.

  1. Property Search Tool: This is the newest and also the fastest way to get information on a property. The internet has made it easy for us to get information on a property by simply doing a property information search online. All you need to do is to go on one of the websites or search engine and make your enquiry, and within a short while all results related to your search will pop up. The property records search will bring up certain information like; the name of the property, its owners name, the property’s address, phone contact of the owner, email address, tax information, sale information and many other information. Property search engines or tools are stacked up with the data of millions of properties around the globe, this should be the number stop for you in your property search.
  2. Public Records: Property history public records can avail you as much information as you may need for your search. There are many ways to search for property information, some of the ways you could use the property history public records are;
  • County Tax Assessor Office: Each and every property located in a country is levied to pay a tax, so by default the owners of these properties are expected to pay tax for their properties. All the information regarding the property and the payments of its tax are uploaded on the county’s tax assessor website, in the event that there is no website the information will be provided at the County’s assessor office. The search for a property owner at the office of the tax assessor will provide you with vital information about the owner of the property, and you can get to ascertain if the property is linked with any form of special assessment.
  • County Records: A visit to the County’s recorder will also provide you with information about any property within the county’s geographical location. Here you can check and verify the legitimacy of not just who owns the property but also the documents associated with the property.
  1. Mailing Lists Companies: A lot of mailing list companies have grown over time, now you can easily get information on properties by using their services. Mailing lists are created based on property characteristics, the details and data gotten from the neighborhood and demographic locations and data.
  2. Ask the Neighbors:  You may decide to go into the neighborhood, approach the neighbors and politely enquire about the property’s owner. If you are lucky you might not just end up with a name, but a phone contact too. 
  3. Professional Help: you can also decide to hire a professional estate agent or surveyor to help you do the search and then submit a comprehensive report back to you. using a professional is advisable because professionals do this type of work on a daily basis and thus are used to it. 
  4. Local Title Companies: A call to the representative of a local title company may aid you in your search for the owner of a property, these companies have what the call “focused real estate marketing (FARM) list” this list might contain all the information you need.

Each property holds a lot of history, this article has enumerated ways in which you can make a property owner search both online and offline. All you need to do is to follow the above guidelines and you will be just fine.

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