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Best GBA games ever created [40+ Games List]

Best GBA games: You are searching through your old stuff and you find you GameBoy in the Attic and you spend the rest of the day firing it up and now you can’t seem to decide the best games to play on it because it has been so long, hasn’t it.

Well, we are here to the rescue as we take you through all the goof GBA Games in all the genres ranging from action to sports. A mystery to treasure hunts. All-inclusive. Nowadays people also tend to install GBA4iOS to iPhones and iOs. So let’s have a look at the best GBA games ever.

Action GBA Games

Grand Theft Auto

GTA has made its entrance in quite possibly every gaming device on this planet and the GBA is no exception. The game is a sensation amongst the youth worldwide and is still going strong after over a 2 decades of its introduction.


The bad guy edge of the GTA is something that resonates with millions of people worldwide and its fan following is astoundingly brilliant. It was one of the best games on the GBA console.

Spider-Man: Mysterio’s Menace

Spiderman is everyone’s favorite superhero hands down and he is in trouble and it’s up to you to save him from, you guessed it, Mysterio’s Menace. Get ready for some hot web-slinging wall climbing action.

spiderman mysterio

Collect amazing power-ups to even enhance Spider-Man’s strength and agility and you can also collect different suits for Spider-Man that make him even more powerful. One of the best action-packed adventure games in the GBA console currently.

Star Wars III – Revenge of the Sith

Star Wars III is a franchise we all loved and wished we had the privilege of watching in our generation for the first time in the theatres. But what we do have (apart from the 7th episode and onwards) are action-packed games in all gaming devices and the GBA is no exception.


As the plot evolves, you follow the adventures of Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi. It follows the plot of the movie loosely. You control Anakin Skywalker and other people from both sides of the force and fight your way through different duels. You can sue lightsabers, force powers, and even physical attacks to defeat your opponents.

Metroid: Zero Mission

One of the many Metroid games to run in the GBA console. The game starts all the way from the beginning where you are on a whole another planet wherein Samus gets to fight hordes of space pirates and other space tyrants.

metroid-zero mission

In many levels Samus doesn’t have armour even and is left vulnerable and way more susceptible to damage form the opponent artillery being constantly bombarded. Her main target remains the removal of the main mothership in order to get rid of all the space pirates out there.

Metroid Fusion

It is yet another amazing Metroid game that makes you wish you had life like Samus. Your mission in the game is to wipe out every alien force from the planet earth and claim back your rightful place as the leader.


One of the few leading female characters in a video game Samus has a strong appeal amongst the fan of the games with her no nonsense approach to the sole purpose of wiping out the alien life force. You also solve small puzzles to go to the next level.

Castlevania: Circle of the Moon

One of the hardest games to play and a gem for any hardcore gamer out there. Everyone wants to prove their worth and this game was the ultimate test for that castlevania. The game is in no way easy and actually you have like every other variant out there there is no way to save progress.


So basically if you die, you start right over, and trust me when I say this, it almost makes you want to scratch your eyes right out. But the end is so worth it. The game puts you in control of a demon hunter and you are supposed to hunt down every last demon on this earth.

Mega Man Zero 2


If you are a side scrolling action game fanatic Megaman Zero 2 is one of the best games to go for on the Nintendo Platforms. The game follows the adventures of Zero who has to fight against the evil forces of Neo Arcadia. Zero has different powers than Mega Man but it still feels cool when dashing and slashing your way through hordes of enemies on different levels.

Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX

The original Contra was one of the most important games in our time and all of us spent hours and hours and hours of our childhood together playing the game on our gaming consoles. It redefined the side-scrolling shooting them up to action genre with its unique play style. Contra continued its journey on the GBA as well with the release of Contra Advance: The Alien Wars EX.

contra advance

Your task again is to shoot everything that moves in order to keep your surroundings alien free. You go head-on with all sorts of aliens and robots. The top gear action in this contra version lives up to the advance in the name and makes sure that you are never able to let go of the shoot button.

The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past

The legend of Zelda, the name says half of what we have to say. One of the most famous action-packed games to create, possibly ever. This version of the game, the link to the past, was the one that played the make or break role and redefined the legend of Zelda name to that we a gamers are acquainted to these days.

The legend of zelda link-to-the-past-e1447694454953

The Gameplay has amazing background music and an even gripping storyline. Your job is to save the world of Hyrule and Princess Zelda from the clutches of Evil Ganon. Slash your way with the sword or shoot arrows to slay your enemies, just get the job done in this classic action-adventure RPG.

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap

The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap game is quite possibly the most enjoyable game to be created for the GBA or any other gaming platform out there. With power-packed action, adventure, and intellect, all filled in one. You need to not just kill but also perform tasks and solve puzzles in order to get past the defenses and attack the enemies in the kingdom of Hyrule.


Your main task is to keep the evil forces at bay form the kingdom of Hyrule while keeping the little minish cap that has attached itself to your head safe. He would also guide your through your adventures and honestly makes for a really fun company.

Final Fight One

Final fight One is One of the most amazing games with breath-taking graphics. It has a great storyline, amazing gameplay, very intriguing plotline, and powerful action. It is the GBA version of the classic arcade game we all played while growing up.

You live fighting your way through the metro city defeating all its bosses and rescue the damsel in distress, Jessica. Just like the arcade game. Your characters who help you are three amazing fighters that can break bones with their bare hands.

Metal Slug Advance

The only metal slug variant to be in the GBA which makes this game even better. Being last in the list is the complete opposite of the capabilities and quirks. Probably the best game in the GBA with amazing and gripping storylines, plots, characters and much more.


You get to shoot your way through enemy territory and get to choose how to do it too. Be it a vehicle or your own feet. The game is fast and so exciting with countless weapons and vehicles to choose from. For Metal Play virgins, this version of the game is the best to start with.

Role-Playing Games on GBA

Pokemon Emerald

Honestly in my personal opinion the best Pokemon emerald game ever created for the GBA and that explains the first spot. It combines the goodness of both Pokemon Ruby and Pokemon Sapphire and that is saying something.


You are the champ and eventually take on the world of pokemon and train them to become the actual champion. Pokemon Emerald adds a lot of new pokemon to the scene which are not available in the other versions of the pokemon gaming series.

Pokemon Sapphire

pokemon sapphire

The original generation 3 game for the GBA pokemon series. It is a rather diluted version of the Pokemon Emerald. The enemy team in each version keeps varying and so does the final pokemon. The Pokemon ruby has the same plotlines and pokemons and both of these versions can be played interconnectively.

Pokemon Fire Red

pokemon-firered-If you are a fan of the first generation pokemon and of the Kanto region, this is the game that you are looking for. It has amazing graphics and a deeply profound storyline from the kanto region for you.

You can enjoy the first generation pokemons in explicit graphics in this version and later when you are done with the storyline (main) you can easily trade them in for the 3rd generation ones.

Mario and Luigi Superstar Saga

This amazeball mario and luigi superstar saga is a wholesome package with equal amounts of action, adventure and role playing all packed in one sweet little package of our beloved childhood characters of Mario and Luigi.


The mission is same, to save the princess but this time around the combat style is different than the other games and there are a lot more things to do other than jumping and collecting coins in the world. Now, you have a story, a dialogue, and actual combat on the hands of Mario and Luigi.

Final Fantasy I & II: Dawn of Souls

One of the most popular role playing game Final fantasy I & II with instant connection and attraction to anyone who as much as indulges in watching someone else play this game.


With an ultimately superior combat style and so puzzling a gameplay that you remain on edges the entire time you are playing the game. If you hav not played any of the Final Fantasy games before, Dawn of the Souls is the perfect option for you.

Fire Emblem

The Fire Emblem franchise is known for its amazing gameplay and tactical Role playing approach towards gaming. There is a constant switch between turn-based and grid-based movements during combat.


You have different heroes, each with his unique set of skills and weaponry. There are different enemies and you have to take them all out individually with different sets of skills and tactics.

Dragon Ball: Advanced Adventure

Dragon Ball advance adventure

Being a hardcore Dragon Ball Z fan growing up, this game was obviously to be mentioned. The storyline follows Goku from the very beginning and takes it up from there. You are also allowed to play 27 other characters but the main story arc follows just Goku. Also, you can play multiplayer on one match as well. A must-try for any Dragon Ball Z fan.

Beyblade: G Revolution

If you have not heard about the spinning tops called Beyblades then there are huge chances you lived under a rock through the entirety of your childhood. Pokemon and 5, Beyblade at 5:30 and then taking your spinning tops and battling them downstairs at 6 was a daily routine.


Now if you miss those days then the game is the best possible way to relive the good old days. Pleasantly enough the game follows the exact same storyline as the cartoon and you feel right at home base. The graphics are amazing, the bey battles are exciting.

You can control your Beyblade and perform special moves to summon your bit beast and deal heavy damage to your opponent.

Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town

Harvest Moon Thou shall Reap what thou sowed. Funnily enough, you actually would. With the harvest season near, get ready to reap. You start out as a farmer and are given a huge piece of farm and your task is to increase the harvest every season.


They also make innumerable friends across the town and help them with their yield as well. You can harvest crops, breed livestock, own poultry, and much more. There are lots of opportunities in this game to make money even.

Sports Based GBA games

Fifa 07

Not the best GBA games or even as good as the other Fifa 07 iterations but definitely the one that started the sports career of the GBA. You never forget your roots. With thecover showing Ronaldinho, the most decorated footballer of those years, the game is just as good.

With graphics of good quality when the fact that it was released in 2007 is considered. The gameplay is fairly neat and it included all the top players of the world then and was a pretty sweet pastime.

Fifa World Cup Germany 2006

The gameplay is fairly neat and is almost identical to the FIFA 07, with the only noteworthy difference being its extreme fixation on all the world cup 2006 matches. You could choose any of the famous players of those era and make a day out of it.

F1 2002

F1 2002

According to the GBA standards, F1 2002 is one of the most amazing games with BEAUTIFUL graphics and sound quality. Its fast action racing brought the feel of the Formula One circuit right to your GBA console. If you are an action racing fanatic then this game is the end of your search as far as the GBA console is considered.

Mat Hoffman’s Pro BMX 2

All of us loved performing small stunts in our little capacities on our bikes while growing up. This game is your direct ticket to fulfilling those, albeit virtually. Explaining the concept of a bicycle stunt game is a fairly difficult challenge, but drawing simile’s from other games would help.


If you remember the Car Dance mission of the GTA San Andreas game, you get most of the idea. In its prime, Mat Hoffman’s BMX 2 was a sensational game that had amazing game modes that featured the coolest BMX stunts and tricks to give the player an exciting gameplay experience.

Mario Power Tennis

Another absolute gem from the Mario brothers gaming factory a Mario Power Tennis. Perfectly mixed fun and tennis action makes it an amazing choice for an afternoon of snacks and inactivity. Don’t be misguided by the fact that its Mario tennis.

mario power tennis

The makes have gone over their limits to perfect each stroke from backhand to slashes in order to give the users the most amazing tennis cum fun experience ever.

Mario Kart Super Circuit

Mario Kart: Super Circuit is one of the first few Mario Kart games that actually made this franchise one of the top contenders in the racing game genre. In this game, you can select Mario or any one of his buddies as your main racer and then you go on a kart racing adventure across different race tracks.

mario-kart-super circuit

Your job is to win the race and also make sure that nobody else wins by using some dirty tricks on the track. This is one of the most exciting racing games available for GBA. It should not be difficult to fathom if you look at the almost cult-like the popularity of the game.

Mario Golf Advance Tour
Mario golf advance tour

Golf isn’t much fun when playing as a video game, but it definitely is when you combine it with the Mario Brothers franchise. his is not an average boring golf game instead this one offers a lot of exciting features and game modes to make it more fun to play. Definitely worth a shot.

Madden NFL 07

Madden NFL is for American Football what FIFA is for football. That statement pretty much sums up the masterstroke that us Madden NFL. The 07 version especially was much like Fifa 07, the pioneer for all the amazingness that was to come in the forthcoming years.

Super Black Bass Advance

Fishing might be boring, but this game definitely is not. With a calm and serene atmosphere set around you, the game is capable of giving you the fishing jitters when you catch on a new fish and is surprisingly not as easy as you might think.

Sk8 -Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2

Tony Hawk might be the best person to live on this planet. He skates even at the ripe age of 50 and is still just as uber cool as he was back when he invented half the moves in the skater arena.

Sk8 -Tony Hawk’s Pro Skater 2

So it is no surprise when we tell you, the game is no exception. The gameplay is super exciting and there are different game modes to keep you hooked for an ultimate challenge in the world of skating.

GBA Platformer Game

SuperMario Bros

Super Mario bros is one of the most famous and loved games of our times with an almost cult like following for each and every new version they come out with. Our childhood used to be riddled with thoughts of saving the princess peach from the monsters and over the years we had gotten surprisingly good at it.


The golden game is simply a classic run and jump game from one end of the map to the other whilst collecting coins and goodies along the way.

Super Mario Advance 4

What’s better than Super Mario bros. Super Mario Advance no doubts. The game simply put involves more of the same stuff.

Super Mario Advance 4

More hidden areas can be unlocked and more powers can be acquired. For instance Mario gets to develop a tail which enables him to fly through the air and also glide over dangerous patches of land in order to fight the forces of evil.

Sonic Advance

The Sonic Universe is one of the most followed storyline from our childhood and almost all of us have played with the Sonic character in one or the other game while growing up.

In this GBA version of the game you get to play almost 4 characters from the Sonic Universe namely Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Amy.

sonic advance

Each one of them as we know posseses different abilities and moves. It makes up for a serious pastime in the hot summer afternoons as you battle the evil empire of Dr. Eggman.

Super Donkey Kong

Donkey Kong was one of the most played arcade games after space invaders and Mrs Pacman of our times. The game features both Diddy and Donkey Kongs.

super donkey kong

You get to play both the characters as you battle the evil kremlings as you move through the lush jungles. Your Banana Hoard has been stolen by the notorious and you have to move through 40 levels in order to get it back, defeating and smashing pesky little kremlings all the way.

Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2

Everything about this game speaks super and advance. With both used twice in the title itself, you can’t possibly go wrong with this game. In this one Mario lands in a completely new place called Dinosaur Land and meets his favorite sidekick the one and only Yoshi the Dino.

super-mario-world-super Mario Advance 2

Both of them team up to defeat the Evil Emperor and save the kingdom of dinosaurs. The game has 10 levels all with their individual charm and difficulty. Mario in this is capable of flying through the magical powers of a cape.

Mario can also ride on Yoshi and have him eat the enemies and then spit them out as a Powerball to hit other enemies. Boss move of the century? I vote yessss.

Mario vs Donkey Kong

How do you like it when someone asks you to choose between your mom and dad? Well it’s the same thing here with both of your beloved childhood gaming characters pitted against each other.


This time around Donkey Kong steals some mini Mario figurines and Mario has to solve some puzzles and gather some keys in order to get back all the toys that have been stolen by Donkey Kong. A classic attempt and crossover and might I add, beautifully executed as well.

Astro Boy

Who is it who can fly, is all almighty and also has X Ray vision but isn’t Superman? ASTRO BOY. The classic gaming icon, the robotic Astro Boy is out for some adventure and it’s your job to make it interesting. Your creator, the professor was recently robbed and you have to get the stolen money back flying and punching your way through hordes of enemies.

Disney’s Aladdin – Perfect GBA Games

One of the best games for the side scrolling action genre, it created a huge impact on the GBA industry with amazing graphics and all entertaining gameplay.


The storyline is pretty much the same as the movie as you try save your city and win over the lovely princess jasmine. The monkey and the genie are there to guide you in your quest as you defeat all your enemies and the final boss Jaffer to release your city from the clutches of Chaos.

GBA Puzzle Games

Puyo Pop Fever

If puzzles are your thing, this is your game. Your task is to match the jelly like symbiotes and pop them by making matches. So basically you pop the Puyos, the more you score. As simple as that. There is also an option of playing head on with other players. The one to pop all the puyos first wins.


Scrabble is One of the most popular board games of all time has found its way into GBA as well. You can now enjoy this game, which is an amazing metric to prove your vocabulary and intellect in front of your friends. The game is same as the board game.


You are provided with some words to begin with and following the rules, you are supposed to make words (generally the bigger the better) and get the top score.

ChuChu Rocket!

ChuChu Rocket

Your aim in the game is to get all the mice (ChuChu) into rockets in order to avoid the deadly cat (KapusKapus). If the cats get into your rocket, they eat the mice. All in all a fun puzzle game with extremely cute characters.

Super Puzzle Bobble Advance

This game introduced the fast paced gem-matching puzzle action that made it much more fun to play. You had to get rid of all the gems in your half by quickly shooting gems and making matches. You also have the option of going head to head with other players.

Super Puzzle Fighter II Turbo

All the characters in this are form the famous franchise street fighter Super Puzzle Fighter 11 Turbo. You choose one of those and pit it against one of the other street fighters. You have to get rid of all the gems in your half and then on the board in order to win.

Super puzzle fighter turbo II

Every time you perform a combo, your character will perform a signature move to damage your opponent, pretty much like every other game out there.

super-mario-world-super Mario Advance 2

It is basically where Mario becomes a Doctor and tries to kill different bacteria and viruses using different pills. You match the color of the pill with the bacteria and boom, it’s dead. Apparently Mario GBA Games is not just good for jumping around and hitting things with his head.


And that are all the games of the GBA which are supposed to be the best. For more information keep following the blog.

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