
How to Sync iMessage on iCloud in iOS 11 MacOS High Sierra

Apple iTunes App Store allows installing applications on iPhone, iPads, downloading e-books, audio books, Wearable Apple devices, and Mac devices. All applications are built separately do have unique flow and functionality. Most similar of them all are iPhone and iPad application with the MacOS based applications. This tutorial is all about setting up and installing the iMessage application on your MacBook or iMac.

Apple is all set to cover the major applications in its domain. With the latest updates, applications like location tracking of family or friends, healthcare, AI system for facial recognition and etc. were used to be third party developers’ specialization. There will be a day Apple has its native applications within its own native environment.

Sync iMessage on iCloud in iOS 11 macOS High Sierra

As soon as Smartphones were introduced and commonly available in mid-2000s, Messaging apps were the first revolutionary applications that have risen the bar and significance of Phones.

Messaging or Chatting applications allow connecting with any of the loved ones, family, friends, colleagues, employees or workers in professional organizations and etc. Though we have a whole new generation of specific apps these days, let us see basic iMessage application set up. While it comes in iOS devices, you can set up the application on your Mac device as well. This tutorial shows how you can set up the iMessage app on macOS (MacBook and MacOS) and use it.

Steps to Follow for setting up iMessage in MacOS

Step 1. Launch Messages

You need to launch the iMessage application on your Mac device from Application Dock at the top. Alternatively, you can also open the app from Finder.

launch the iMessage application

Step 2. Credentials

Enter your Apple ID and its password to access iMessage app. In case you have enabled Two Factor Authentication code, you will receive a passcode on your Apple ID or Phone number via SMS. Make sure you use the passcode within 6 minutes because the passcode expires later to it. In case you do not have an Apple ID or forgot the Password to your Apple ID, you can tug two options below the Passcode input field and do the needful.

Step 3. Preferences

Next, you need to select Messages option in the top menu bar. Click it to discover the options. Select preferences from the options listing. Preferences open a iMessage setup screen where you can set up your account on the device.

Step 4. Account setup

Apple ID Account setup

Out of two tabs, General and Accounts, you need to select Accounts tab from the iMessage setting up the launcher. Accounts has its own Settings page and Blocked contacts options. In the Settings option, you need to select a mobile number and email id to receive the messages in the app. It shows your signed in Apple Id that should be enabled. Below Apple Id, you can add multiple email ids as well as new phone numbers. You can check them to enable and start receiving messages on the selected mail ids or phone numbers.

You can also start the conversation from the dropdown anytime.

Read More: How to change the bubble color on messages

How to Set up Message in iCloud in macOS High Sierra

iCould keeps all your data in synchronization between your devices. It’s not only for the iPhone or iPad, but you can also synchronize messages using iCould in the macOS High Sierra. You just need to login on your device using your registered Apple Id and use iCould the way you want. Continuing messages setup on the macOS, this section is focused on using iCould and set up Messages app on your device similar to iMessage app setup.

Step 1. Messages

You can directly open the Messages application. Make sure you’re also logged in iCloud with your Apple Id.

icloud with apple id

Step 2. Messages option in Menu

Once you open Messages app, the Messages option is enabled in the menu bar at the top. Select Messages to open other options.

Step 3. Preferences

Similar to the previous steps, you need to select Preferences for setting up your preferences in the account settings page.

Step 4. Accounts

Preferences open General and Accounts settings, where you need to select Accounts.

Step 5. iMessage

Click in the iMessage account from the list.

Step 6. Enabling messages

Enable Messages on iCloud

You need to enable Messages in iCloud as the next step. Select the check box for ‘Enable Messages on iCloud’.

Step 7. Synchronization

Once Messages are enabled on iCloud, you can select ‘Sync Now’ option next to enabling checkbox. Synching data will pull all your messages in the iMessage window, and you can start a new conversation as well.

This section gives you an overview of using Messages application on your macOS High Sierra. However, you also need to enable and set up Messages app on your iPhone devices in order to use Messages on macOS properly. Here is the guide to use and set up the app on iPhones.

How to set up Messages app in iCloud in iOS 11.4 

To synchronize messages between iPhone, iPad and Mac devices, you need to make sure you have set up iCloud correctly in all of them. To set it up on the iPhone devices, follow the below guidelines.

Step 1. Settings

Open Settings in the iPhone device.

Step 2. User Authentication

To access inner settings from the Setting page, tap on the Apple Id banner to continue to the next page.

Step 3. iCloud

Tap on iCloud to view the iCloud settings page. This page allows you to see all the applications that are whether already synched or not.

Step 4. Messages

You need to make sure the Messages in iCloud is selected to active state from the native toggle button for iOS.

Step 5. Synching Messages

Synching Messages on ios11

If you have enabled the Messages application, you can also proceed further to select Messages and view Messages option. If not enabled, you can also enable the Messages application from this page. Below it, you can also see Sync Now option.

Having set up Messages application on all your devices correctly, you can use it on anyone of it. This Apple iCloud lets you sync not only your messages, but other applications like Notes, Photos, Calendar, Contacts and etc. can be synchronized on your devices.

I hope you find this blog useful for understanding how to synchronize your Messages application on all of your Apple devices, especially on Mac, macOS High Sierra, and iOS. If you have any queries relating to Apple, iPhone and Android features, please feel free to jot down anything, we will surely get back to you. For some more helpful blogs, enjoy reading our interesting blogs on your favorite topics.

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