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Diablo 3: Eternal Collection for Nintendo Switch: Beginner’s Guide

Diablo 3: Eternal Collection is one of the best games on the Nintendo Switch. Dungeon crawler fans everywhere, it’s time to rejoice! This gives you the freedom to play Diablo portably, which is the best way to play, in all honesty.

You might have bought and played Diablo 3 numerous times now. However, for many new users, this is the first time they’re playing Diablo 3 (or Diablo in general).

Diablo 3: Eternal Collection isn’t a hard game, but there’s so much substance and build-up in the Eternal Collection that newcomers could be easily overwhelmed. Playing this game on Nintendo Switch is still a bit complicated due to the various systems at play.

We will deal later with the in-depth guides to the Classes, game modes, and skill trees over the coming days. This article consists of a selection of tips to help you get started in the sinister world of Sanctuary.

Perfect Guide of Diablo 3: Eternal Collection

Seasonal character

It’s Better to Start With a Seasonal Character

In Diablo 3: Eternal Collection, there are a total of four types of characters that you can create: Normal, Hardcore, Seasonal, and Seasonal Hardcore.

It’s better to go for a Seasonal character when you are starting because each season has its unique end-game armor sets and items that you can obtain for clearing objectives. You will not be able to get this outside of Seasons. And the best part is that once a Season ends, your Seasonal character rolls over to a Normal character. So it’s definitely a win-win.

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We do not recommend Hardcore for beginners. The reason is that if you die, your character is permanently dead and there is no option to revive and hence, you lose all of your items. This is strictly for experienced players only, and only if you have a great level of patience and perseverance.

Treat all Classes Equally

Classes Equally

At present, there are seven classes in Diablo 3: Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard, Crusader, and Necromancer. Don’t be worried about picking the wrong class. Every single class in Diablo 3 has something to offer and there is nothing separating one from another. It should really just depend on your play style.

Barbarian and Crusaders are tank classes and hence, they depend on the Strength stat. Demon Hunter and Monk are focused on speed and damage and therefore, need the Dexterity stat. Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Necromancer are all spellcasters relying on the Intelligence stat.

Every class has its own strengths and weaknesses, so no one is considered more “OP” (overpowered) than another, especially when you get to end-game content at level 70. For example, Wizards can do a lot of damage with their magic, but they are “squishy” as they have lower health than a Crusader or Barbarian.

Hence, pick up a class that suits your game lay and we would recommend trying all of them.

Try “Elective Mode” in Gameplay Options

As you grow as you play and eventually level up your character, you’ll unlock skills in different categories. By default, Blizzard chooses the kind of skill to be assigned to which button.  This, in reality, means you have to use one skill from every category.

However, the best way to enjoy this game is by not listening to Blizzard and play pretty much by using whatever skills suits your style. Wondering how to do that?

You just have to turn on “Elective Mode” in the Gameplay options. Then you’re free to use whatever skills you want to rather than using just one from each category. It’s always recommended to turn “Effective Mode” on right away as it opens up a lot of possibilities in terms of character build customization.

It’s Advisable to Play through the entire campaign

entire campaign

If you are new at playing Diablo 3, then it’s highly recommended to play through the entire story campaign mode. The story is far more than decent and the campaign teaches you the ins-and-outs of the game. You can learn all of the mechanics step-by-step as you go.

Playing through the story can seem to be a bit slow, but it’s a good way to get acquainted with everything. You can also choose to change the difficulty mid-game which will help you to get pretty close to 70 just by going through it all.

Adjust the Difficulty for Your Own Pace

your own pace

You might have planned about starting on Normal if you’re new. But it’s highly recommended to pick something a little higher than that as it gives you more experience and gold.  This will help you level up faster.

The best part about Diablo 3 is the fact that you can change the difficulty at any time even while you’re playing. If you find it too hard to continue, you can always go lower. If it’s too easy and you are not being challenged at all, you can surely move it up.

However, you can only go up or down one difficulty level. Hence, if you want to go further than that, you’ll need to quit from the games you are playing and change it right from the main menu before starting.

Don’t Miss the Drops

Diablo 3 is eventually a game that’s all about loot. You’re going to find loot drops everywhere, right from enemy mobs, chests and objects to the other events throughout the game. Don’t forget to pick up everything, even if it’s trash. Even if it’s junk, you can always use it for crafting materials or sell for gold.

Item rarity has different tiers. Gray and white are trash literally; however, you’ll want to salvage them for crafting mats that can be useful later. Blue are magic items and they add some stats and other bonuses for your character.

Yellows are very rare; they are stronger than blue items and come with even more properties. Orange items are like powerful legendries while green items are part of Sets, which you’ll be eventually aiming for in the endgame.

You may also find gems which can be later be added to gear with sockets for more stats and bonuses. Gold is fairly easy to come by and especially if you play on higher difficulties.

Explore as Much as You can

Some areas in Diablo 3: Eternal Collection can prove to be very large and vast. It will be in your best interest to do a bit of exploration while slaying those demons and grabbing the loot. The primary reason for the exploration is that you never know when you’ll find a glowing Resplendent Chest (chests that glow yellow and usually hold decent loot), Treasure Goblin (or its many other shiny friends), or unique enemy mobs that drop special items.

It also helps you in getting familiar with areas which come in handy later when you’re doing Bounty runs. As when it comes to Bounties, you’ll want to do them quickly. So a bit of exploration definitely helps when you know exactly where to go already from the get-go.

After Beating the Campaign, Jump into Adventure Mode

Adventure Mode Diablo 3

Once you’re finished with the campaign, the game is still far from over! Honestly, you’ve basically just reached the real game, which is in Adventure Mode and there is no handholding here! Adventure Mode is where the real excitement begins. Here you go for Nephalem Rifts, Greater Rifts, Challenge Rifts, and Bounties.

Nephalem Rifts

Nephalem Rifts don’t even require a key and they are filled with enemy mobs. You have to kill enemies to fill up the rift gauge, which then brings out the Rift Guardian after it’s full. You still get loot and gold drops from your foes, and you can still continue to explore the rift even after the guardian is dead.

Greater Rifts

Greater Rifts require keys, which you have to obtain from Horadric Caches (rewards for Bounties) and normal Nephalem Runs. The difficulty of Greater Rifts can be adjusted independently from the rest of the game, and it’s always advisable to push harder, since clearing higher Greater Rift levels means more Blood Shard storage.

Greater Rifts are different as there’s a time limit to get a bonus Legendary Gem upgrade at the end. There are no loot or gold drops from mobs and here everything else dies once the Guardian appears. However, you do get a huge amount of loot from killing the Rift Guardian though, and this is exactly how you’ll be doing most of your gear hunting in the endgame.

Challenge Rifts

After you do Greater Rifts, Challenge Rifts open up. Challenge Rifts are basically a snapshot of another player’s Greater Rift, so you will get their character with all Paragon levels, skills, and gear, along with an exact replica of their Greater Rift dungeon layout.

The goal here is to beat the original player’s time while using the exact same gear and skills that they had.

Research Class Builds and Hunt for the Perfect Gear

Now if you have reached level 70 and are getting started with endgame content then it’s time to prepare for the gear hunting! That’s what Diablo has always been about and it surely is a fun ride to be on.

With your level 70 character, it’s best to upgrade to the best builds for your class that will help you speed run through Greater Rifts.

Every class build qualifies for a specific armor set that’s tailored for them. So it’s highly advisable to look into what you want your endgame build to be (correct skills and runes), and eventually figure out the corresponding gear for it.

Learn From the Tracks

The maps in Diablo 3 are quite large and are generated procedurally. This means that they keep changing the layout. The maps contain different mini-dungeons, events, bosses, chest locations, NPCs and enemies each time you load into them.

It is almost always worth it to memorize a map and its dungeons and events for XP and loot. Legendary/Set items can be dropped from any random mob or chest, and there are secrets hidden all over the world. Explore the map as much as you can to clear out that Fog of War and you’ll see the benefits.

Upgrade Your Stash

Your Stash is super essential while it’s important and expensive. Every character on the account of a certain type has access to the Stash.

Crafting materials no longer take up space, but by the time you’ve run two or three characters to level 70; your Stash is likely to be pretty full. You want to keep Set items, unique gear, gems, and quest items that you have collected.

It’s always costly to upgrade but it’s worth doing periodically to keep hold of stuff. Especially, if you are playing with multiple characters.

Dress for the kill

Dress for the kill

As with all good RPGs, in Diablo 3 too, looking good is half the job done. Because of the constant swapping out of the gear (even after hitting the cap, gear continues to drop with incremental bonuses and random attributes), you’ll sometimes end up being in an awful arrangement of armor that simply is not it.

Fortunately, there are ways to mend around a bad armor day. Vendors sell various dyes to apply on your gear, or the Mystic (a crafting NPC) allows you to change and modify your gear for a hefty price. Unique items also often unlock new options.

Now it’s time to save Sanctuary from the Prime Evil, Diablo


What are you waiting for, Nephalem? Now you know how to get started in Diablo 3. The world of Sanctuary is awaiting you to stop Diablo and the lesser prime evils from destroying mankind.

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