
How to Install GBA4iOS in iOS12 on iPhone to Retro Games?

Install GBA4iOS: Do you like classic and vintage games? There are a few classic games like “Mario”, “Pokémon,” and “ Day of The Tentacle” that has an enormous fan following. But, it is sad that Apple’s app store doesn’t support these games nor it allows any apps to match the requirement that support the functioning of these games.

But wait, you can still play the old classic games on your iPhone and iPad. You need to just install GBA4iOS on your iPhone and iPod.

If you are a gamer then you should know what exactly GBA4iOS stands for. GBA4iOS actually allows downloading all the classic games on your iOS device that you desperately want to play. It is basically a Gameboy Advance Emulator that allows you to download Gameboy Advance games on your iOS devices. The process is not a rocket science but you need to apply a few efforts to accomplish it.

Download and Install GBA4iOS For iOS

Before going for GBA4iOS, the first question you should ask yourself is that how secure it is to install GBA4iOS in iOS devices. After thorough grounding, I can say that it is well secure and safe process to install on iOS device.


  • GBA4iOS is a popular Gameboy advance emulator which enables you to download any Gameboy advance games so that you can enjoy old classic games.
  • During the trial run, we did not observe any specific issue with the functioning of GBA4iOS. It is up to the user to proceed ahead considering the risk element.
  • “Emulator” allows you to install and play outdated games like Mario and Atari on your iPhone or computer. These retro games are also known as ROMs (Read Only Memory) and these are software copies of cartridges which are same like Sega Genesis Cartridge and Sony PlayStation CD.
  • As ROMs are protected by copyright, it is illegal to download it.
  • Therefore, we are not suggesting you to download ROMs

Read more: PlayStation 2 on the Go: 6 Best PS2 Emulator for Android

Steps for installing GBA4iOS on iPhone and iPad

Launch Safari on your iOS

You need to launch Safari on your iOS device, then you need to browse to

Click on “Apps” tab

Next, click on “Apps” tab.
Launch Safari on your iOS

Find GBA4iOS

Next step would be scrolling down till you find GBA4iOS, then tap on it.
Find GBA4iOS

Go to Download Page 

Tap on the “Download Page”

Download Page

Again, you need to continue scroll down until you find the specific icon that is GBA4iOS.

Now, you should check two version: if you use iPhone 8 Plus or earlier, click on the first button. Tap the second option if you are using iPhone x or later.


Install GBA4iOS – button

You will find a popup straight away appears in front of you. You need to tap on the “Install” button Click on the “Install GBA4iOS” button.

Install GBA4iOS

Installation process will Start

The installation process will start, you may need to tap on the install button again.

Now, you need to wait until it gets successfully installed. Once it’s done, you will find the GBA4iOS app on your home screen or desktop.

Third-party Profile to Initiate GBA4iOs

More importantly, you need to have a third-party profile to initiate GBA4iOs on your device.

Launch setting – Tap on general – profile and device management
Third-party Profile to Initiate GBA4iOs

Now, you have to have trust on the third-party profile to successfully run GBA4iOS on your iPhone or iOS device.

There are mainly two possibilities of using iOS devices

  • If you are using iPhone 8 plus or earlier models, then you have to tap on the profile named “Jiang Xi Microblog Technology Co., Ltd.” Tap on trust “Jiang Xi Microblog Technology Co., Ltd.” → Tap on Trust to confirm.
  • If you use the iPhone x or later version then, you have to tap on the profile named “SAE Magnetics Dongguan Limited” → Tap on trust “SAE Magnetics Dongguan Limited” → Tap on Trust to confirm.

use the iPhone x

Congratulations, you have successfully installed GBA4iOS on your iOS device.

Now you can easily download your ROMs and enjoy the classic and retro games. You can browse through google to find these ROMs.

How to Download ROMs

How to Download custom ROMs of Pokémon, The Legends of Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Fire Emblem on iPhone

Launch GBA4iOs Application

After installing GBA4iOs on your computer, it is time to launch that application.
Launch GBA4iOs Application

Find the Search Button

You will find the search button at the top right corner, Tap it

Find the Search Button

Select Game Series

Next, now, you need to select game series to find ROM that you want to download. For now, there are 11 options available for ROMs. (According to developers, more GBA ROMs are coming soon)
Select Game Series

If you still want to download other ROMs, you can search it on Google. Here, I will show you how to download Pokémon. On top of that, you can download your favourite games as the process will be pretty same foe downloading.

Select Your Preferred Version

Next, you need to select your preferred version and tap on the download button.
Select Your Preferred Version

Tap on the Save

You need to tap on the Save in the popup
Tap on the Save

One you are done with downloading the ROM of your desired game, you can launch and start enjoy playing.
downloading the ROM

How to delete GBA4iOS App on iPhone?

if you tired of gaming and finally want to delete GBA4iOS app, you need to follow the mentioned steps.

Go to setting- General-profile & device Management – Jiang Xi MicroBlog Technology Co,Ltd – delete App and confirm

Moving to Closure

On a personal note, I found GBA4ios very responsive and suitable for gaming. The app works smoothly so you will not have any issues in cashing-in-on some of your all-time favorite android games.

Let us know your feedback in the comment section below.

Which retro games do you prefer most? Do share your thought about them in the comment section and stay with us by following us on Facebook and Twitter. More importantly, don’t forget to download our app to read such exciting content.

People also search for like: How to install GBA4iOS on iPhone? , How to import games to GBA4iOS?, How to play gameboy games on iPhone 2023?, How do I put emulators on my iPad?, Can I play Pokémon ROMs on my iPhone?, Can iPhones download emulators?, How to install iPhone games?

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