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iPhone 6 or 6 Plus Touch Screen Not Working: How To Fix The Issue?

Touch Screen Not Working: “Looking at your iPhone and realizing that your touchscreen is unresponsive to touch, would surely disappoint you. We have solutions for your frequently emerging frustration.

I have faced the same issue with my device, and fortunately, I have successfully solved this issue of the unresponsive touch screen on iPhone 6 and 6 plus. Here mentioned are the solution for the same issue.”

If we consider the sales chart, iPhone 6 and 6 plus have crashed down the market by their flawless designs. However, their success has been slightly affected by the recently developed issue that is Bendgate”, and subsequently, it has also emerged “Touch screen unresponsive” issue. It is said that the main reason behind such issue is also its design structure.

Not only the design but also other reasons might work parallel to it which create the unresponsiveness of touchscreen on your iPhone 6 or 6 plus. We don’t notice such occurrences but if we look closely, then we would know that jailbreak, poor quality of screen protector, sweaty fingers are a few reasons that may create unresponsiveness of screen. Let’s look at some of the possible solutions to fix your iPhone 6 touch screen issue.

iPhone Touch Screen Not Working: Tips To Fix

  • If you find your screen appears unresponsive while using some app now and then, you need to delete those apps and then re-install to take a fresh start.
  • Better not to use gloves while using the device since there are not every glove that is responsive to the touch screen
  • Make sure your fingers are dry and clean every time you tend to use your iPhone or any other device
  • You need to observe your screen protector, and if it appears damaged, then it is advisable to change it.
  • Remove the screen protector, use a soft cloth to clean the screen and now check if your device’s touchscreen is properly working or not.

Here are Few Quick Tips

We request you to follow each quick tip that is mentioned above; we are sure that those tips could solve your problems. But ticking all those tips still doesn’t give you the best result, here are a few more effective solutions that surely help you out.

Solution #1: Force Restart Your iPhone”

Though it is the most typical method; but works effectively. Try to force restart your iPhone to eliminate ordinary bugs and various common issues. Hence, it is better to use this method in order to bring back the device to its normal functioning,

To Make this happen; simply, on your device, press and hold the home button and side button at once, this makes your device restart; you would find an apple Logo appearing on your device screen.

fix touchscreen

Once the process is done, you may in your first attempt, see that the screen would be back to its routine.

Solution #2 Restore Your iPhone In Recovery Mode
Root iPhone

Don’t worry much! This option would sound unpleasant, and many of you might think about it twice. And I will be not surprised even if you don’t happily accept it, but as per my experience, I would suggest to put your iPhone into Recovery Mode as it can easily troubleshoot quite a few issues. To get it done easily, make sure you continue reading.

Is your iPhone Affected by Touch Disease?

An acclaimed repair site “iFixit’ has just firmly noticed touch disease in iPhone 6 and 6 Plus. It also believed that the touch disease could be other symptoms of Bendgate– the design flaw in iPhone 6 and similar to its kind.

What’s the Root Cause of Touch ID disease?

Another reason will be a sporadic electric connection which generated due to partially broken Touch IC chips on iPhone’s logic board. Therefore, there won’t be any touch response on the screen.

How to Find Out If Your iPhone Is Affected By Touch ID

An affected device might flicker or Multi-Touch issues. You will find this issue at the top of the screen which appears similar to TV static.

After thoroughly observing the seriousness of this issue, Apple introduced its newly designed logic board in iPhone 6s/6s plus and later version. Later, its techno brains have made its design more rigid in order to eliminate the bending possibilities. In the older iPhone, a metal shield was used to protect the Chips; therefor, these chips remain unaffected by this issue.

How To Fix Touch Disease On iPhone

Apple has noticed and stated that the random drops of the device on hard-surfaced, mostly, affected the screen. It leads the screen to the unresponsiveness. If your iPhone 6 plus is displaying such improper signs that Apple will help you out by repairing your device. It has a service price of $149, only. You are only eligible for the service if your device scree is in working order and it is not broken.

The Bottom Line

The mentioned solutions will definitely help to solve the Touch Screen Not Working issue on your iPhone. If it doesn’t, then You might check whether your device is affected by Touch disease or mot. And, if it is; then contact Apple for repair.

You might want to look into some other troubleshooting guide as well: Touch Screen Not Working on iPhone6/6 Plus. How to fix iPhone stuck at Apple logo, and how to Fix iMessage activation error.

People also search for like: How do I fix my iPhone 6 screen not responding to touch? , Why is my iPhone 6 plus finger touch not working?, What to do if iPhone touch screen stops working?, What is the touch disease on the iPhone 6 Plus?, How do I fix my touch screen not responding to touch?, Why is my phone screen not responding to touch?

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