
How to Type Accents on Mac the Easy Way

How to Type Accents on Mac the Easy Way

As many languages use accents to change a letter or vowel sounds, you may find it useful to type accents on a Mac using the keyboard and this is particularly useful for users who also type or write in other languages such as Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Greek and this also applies to many other Latin language scripts as well.

Modern versions of Mac OS provide an exceptionally easy and fast way to type accents. If you want to type most accents on Mac, you need to use a sustained keyPress or you can use the option  – Alt key and another modifier key to get the accent on the desired letter.  You can press and hold the letter to accent or press and hold the modifier keys and then you release those keys and then type the accented letter as it is quite easy once you use it.

Type Accents on Mac the easy way

Type Accents on Mac the easy way

New versions of Mac OS enables users to type accents easily by using a sustained keyPress on a single key. If you press and hold on ‘e’ a pop-up window will appear after holding that key for a few moments that displays which accents are available for that particular letter or character.

Follow the below instructions:

  1. You need to press and hold on the letter that you want to accent and continue holding the letter until a menu with character accents are displayed.
  2. Then choose the character accent with the mouse or press the number corresponding below the accent in the menu typing accented characters on Mac keyboard.
  3. Then you can leave the accent menu on the Mac keyboard by hitting the Escape key.

If this accent menu feature is not available to your Mac then you may have an old version of the system software or you have disabled the accent menu to favor key repeat instead.

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How do I type accents on a Mac?

How do I type accents on a Mac

There are number of methods to enter text into a document that is not possible by normal typing and each method is useful in different ways that range from the best for working at speed to adding the special characters without touching the keyboard at all.

  • Option key combinations: It is one of the most useful methods to add typical characters to a document because it can be performed very quickly as compared to the other ways. When you hold down Option and then press a letter on the keyboard, it will insert a different character into the document.
    Follow the below instructions:
  • You need to select the Apple logo in the menu by clicking System Preferences and then select the Keyboard icon.
  • Then tick the checkbox marked Show keyboard in the first Keyboard tab.
  • It will place a new icon in the menu bar near to the clock on the right.
  • Then click the icon followed by Show Keyboard Viewer and the new window will show the typical keyboard layout based on the country that you have set up within the Input Sources section of the Keyboard settings.
  • When you type on the physical keyboard, the virtual keyboard will react to show what keys are pressed and will change if certain buttons are held down like the Shift key.
  • If you hold down the Option key, it will show all of the symbols that can be typed and the key that relates to it.
  • You will see that some keys will turn orange and show accents, so these keys are assigned for typing accented characters and work by pressing that key when Option is held then release Option and type the letter you want to apply the accent.
  • If you hold down the Option key, it will show all of the symbols that can be typed and the key that relates to it.
  • You will see that some keys will turn orange and show accents, so these keys are assigned for typing accented characters and work by pressing that key when Option is held then release Option and type the letter you want to apply the accent.
  1. Long presses:
    It is another method of typing symbols to hold down the key for a few seconds to bring up a list of accented versions and related symbols that can be typed. It is useful method if you only want to stick to the most-used accents that limit its usability if more exotic symbols are required but it also does not need any memory to locate accent keys or specific symbols. This method will work in many cases such as a text entry box or a text editor is in use.

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Use keyboard shortcuts: There are various keyboard shortcuts that you can use to add letters with accents.


Acute Option + E + Letter
Circumflex  Option + I + Letter
Grave  Option + `+ Letter
Tilde  Option + N + Letter
Umlaut  Option + U + Letter

Typing these accents on Mac is very easy with the above-mentioned methods. Now, you can type accents on Mac keyboard without any efforts.

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